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For all the latest behind the scenes, tutorials and more

This is for you if:

1.  you've been putting off learning how to paint and draw or

2.  just not sure how to take your art to the next stage. 

Well, why not join me as I show you  how to grow as an artist with easy to learn, step by step guides, tutorials and courses

Hi, I'm Dion,  I'll provide you with learning material in traditional painting and drawing techniques that I have used in my 20+ year career as an illustrator.

Together we'll create fantastic book cover art, posters, paintings that will capture the essence of your imagination.

Even if you're not an artist,  you can join and discuss the webcomic Jim Reel Paranormal Investigator or even take a stab at a bit of fan art!

I believe that through illustration we can tell amazing stories and encourage growth and change.

This is an opportunity for those of you seeking to develop your skills wherever you may be.

The Benefits

  • Work at your own pace

    Community members can participate in drawing challenges and post their results in the community.

  • See your skills grow

    I believe that you can learn a great deal by taking on small educational projects. By taking part in these smaller lessons you'll be exposed to different challenges that will help you grow your skills and become a better artist in the long run.

  • Be around like minded people

    What good is a community without people in it right? Share what you do and love with those of us who are on the same journey without the Facebook ads or trolls .

Start learning today

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